Everything is vibration. Light, scent, sound, mood. Everything around us is a vibration, including ourselves, we are vibration, too. In harmonious embrace of different vibrations,Earth energies complete and enrich each other. Such energies could  inspire and even heal your soul. Welcome to the world of NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles!
NaiaBlanka are hand poured, eco-friendly aromatherapy candles, made of  natural ingredients. 100% cotton lead free wick emersed in hydrogenized coconut oil enriched with natural essential oils. Carefully chosen combination of high quality ingredients is safe even for more sensitive ones, allergy-prone users and pets. Fill your enviroment with the right vibration at the right time. Five Ayurveda elements and authentic NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles would awake desired feelings and rise the energy you need

Everything is vibration. Light, scent, sound, mood. Everything around us is a vibration, including ourselves, we are vibration, too. In harmonious embrace of different vibrations,Earth energies complete and enrich each other. Such energies could  inspire and even heal your soul. Welcome to the world of NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles!
NaiaBlanka are hand poured, eco-friendly aromatherapy candles, made of  natural ingredients. 

100% cotton lead free wick emersed in hydrogenized coconut oil enriched with natural essential oils. Carefully chosen combination of high quality ingredients is safe even for more sensitive ones, allergy-prone users and pets. 

Fill your enviroment with the right vibration at the right time. Five Ayurveda elements and authentic NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles would awake desired feelings and rise the energy you need.

Everything is vibration. Light, scent, sound, mood. Everything around us is a vibration, including ourselves, we are vibration, too. In harmonious embrace of different vibrations,Earth energies complete and enrich each other. Such energies could  inspire and even heal your soul. Welcome to the world of NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles!

NaiaBlanka are hand poured, eco-friendly aromatherapy candles, made of  natural ingredients. 

100% cotton lead free wick emersed in hydrogenized coconut oil enriched with natural essential oils. Carefully chosen combination of high quality ingredients is safe even for more sensitive ones, allergy-prone users and pets. 

Fill your enviroment with the right vibration at the right time. Five Ayurveda elements and authentic NaiaBlanka aromatherapy candles would awake desired feelings and rise the energy you need.

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